Scrap Your Car
 How Much Scrappage is My Car Worth

How Much Scrappage is My Car Worth

Got a car you don’t know what to do with? Or do you have a car lying around for years, and suddenly, the next thing you know, it’s got a scrap seal? So do we sell it? NO. Then what? Scrapping is your best solution when selling is far-fetched, and your car is absolutely wrecked. 

So how do I know how much scrappage is my car worth? It’s simple. A few determinants are working behind this decision. Let’s find them out, shall we? Wait a minute, don’t crash yet. Let’s first learn what a scrap car is for those who are new to this. Let’s go!

What Is A Scrap Car?

Do you have a car that’s been sitting unused for 15-20 years? It’s scrap.

Do you have a car that is ruined beyond repair? It’s scrap.

Or has your car reached its finish line and won’t even listen to you anymore? Yeah, it’s a scrap car. 

Another reason your car might be a scrap car is if you salvaged it in the first place or if it faced a natural disaster, like a flood. Corroded cars are also automatically scrapped. 

Now, don’t get us wrong. A scrap car doesn’t translate to something sellable or even preferable for a reasonable price by buyers. Scrap cars are simply trash– but valuable trash. We can still recycle trash, right? They aren’t made of air. But since they lack several vital components which would have to be bought by the buyer, the repairs would sum to a more significant cost than the original new car itself.

Why would you try repairing a car that is wrecked to the core? Even if its outer body is fine, replacing some roasted engines would cost you a fortune. Ragged old cars with good parts and engines will bag more cash. 

How Much Is A Scrap Car Worth?

How much I can scrap my van depends on the weight, materials, scrapyards, level of damage, and location.

When finding the car scrap value by weight, we assume mid-size cars (1.3 tonnes) to be 120 to 250 pounds, while smaller or lighter cars won’t cash more than 50 pounds. 

Here’s the formula:

Scrap car value per ton= Weight in tons* current scrap metal value (this is the system we use when you scrap your car for parts.)

Insurance companies will use this formula, though:

Scrap Value = Cost of Asset – ( Useful life in years * Depreciation)

Car Scrap Value Calculator UK Factors:

There are a few factors that van breakers near me consider when deciding on how much scrappage is my car worth. We have discussed them below:

Vehicle Model

A trending vehicle model with all the latest parts will fetch more cash in scrappage schemes than an older or dilapidated or older model would. This is more about the case of dependability than simply clout. 


Metal scrap is seldom processed by the same scrap yard that buys it. The scrap yard will pay you less for your metal to account for the higher transportation expenses incurred since it must be carried to a farther location.

Vehicle’s Age

A car depreciates in value as it ages. Scrap yards don’t bother much about age, as their main priority is weight. Yet, since newer vehicles are better in quality, age remains a concern. You should check out scrap car comparison reports to understand them better. 

Alternative Method: Scrap Car for Parts

Have you thought of how to scrap a car for the most money? A dismantled car with its parts laid out will sell more than a wholesale car. Recycled steel price is hiking. If you take the time, effort and patience, it will be worth the weight in gold. 

Car Parts Worth Most Money:

Yes, scraping your car for parts is worth a lot more money than the cash you would get by selling it wholesale. But don’t jump to the conclusion that you will receive a few hundred greens for every part. The parts that contain precious metals are the most expensive.

The most valuable parts are:

  • Catalytic converter
  • Transmission
  • Engine
  • GPS
  • Fenders
  • Doors, mirrors, and windows
  • Bumpers
  • Airbags
  • Car battery
  • Electrical gear
  • Wheels, tires, and rims
  • Car seats


Where Can I Scrap My Car Near Me:

Scrapping services are available at local junkyards, mechanic outlets, and online scrapyard services like CarScrapFast


How much scrappage is my car worth? Well, I’ve got to bring my car to a scrap yard to know that, don’t I? There are several factors to a scrap car’s value. And you already know that if you have read this simplistic article, of course. 

Now, bring your car over to CarScrapFast to get the best deals on your scrap car. We are hundred per cent transparent about the prices and the methods we use to calculate the scrap car values. Contact CarScrapFast to unburden yourself and buy a new car!


Q: How much is an engine worth in scrap metal?

Ans: A car engine costs from 2000 to 4000 pounds on average. 

Q: How much does my catalytic converter cost?

Ans: You can get a catalytic converter from 700 to 1200 pounds, depending on the model, weight, and age of the car and the engine.

Q: How much can I fetch for my transmission?

Ans: A second-hand transmission starts from 700 to 1300 pounds. The exact price depends on the car’s model. You will have to cut the labour costs for the dismantling so that the actual price will be a little less.

Q: What’s The Scrap Value Of A Car Battery?

Ans: Car batteries vary from state to state and one another scrapyard, according to the pounds of weight it carries. An old car battery will be 5 pounds per unit and 0.25 to 0.5 pounds for each kilogram in scrap value. 

Q: Do Radiators Have Scrap Value?

Ans: Yes, and the value of an average old radiator starts from 4 pounds and ends at 25 pounds. To know specifically for your radiator, you have to learn which type it is, what car it is for, and how much that rounds up. A scrap yard will make things easier for you.

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