Scrap Your Car
 How to Remove Cat N from Car [Latest 2023 Guide]

How to Remove Cat N from Car [Latest 2023 Guide]

Got an old car that recently went through a horrible engine failure? Won’t it start again? Is the engine all burnt out? Now you are stuck with a Cat N tag? So the first thing that pops into your mind is how to remove Cat N from Car. Well, we have got bad news, buddy. You can’t remove it. 

On the brighter side, a Cat N is the best-case scenario. You should be glad you didn’t get stuck with a Cat A or B. You can get the best value from a Cat N. So let’s find out what other alternatives we can do with a Cat N car and what it means in the first place.

What is a Cat N car?

With road tax, car insurance, maintenance cost, and rising oil prices owning a car can seem more expensive than buying it. Have you ever thought of buying a Cat N car instead? Their prices will vary indeed, but a cat N car will always be cheaper than the original. 

What does Cat N mean on a Car?

Cat N is short for Category N. “N” represents a specific category of cars that insurance suppliers seals on your vehicle. They will write it off when repairing is more than half the fortune than the car’s value. This category is based on how much damage it has survived. For our Cat N car, we put vehicles with non-structural injury capable of repairing in this category. 

Other Categories are:

Cat A

Category A is the worst form of damage a car could undergo. This category can only be scrapped. 

Cat B

If the insurance provider enlisted your car under Cat B, consider it unrepairable. The best thing you can do with it is breaking it down into parts.

Cat S

Cat S cars go through structural damage, but they are repairable affordably. 

So what does structural damage mean? And what are the differences between structural and nonstructural damage that a car suffers? 

Structural Damage

If your car has suffered blows or damage to its chassis and frame.

Non-structural Damage

A car with non-structural damage may have taken damage to its electrics, engine, or seats with its interior.

Can you Remove Cat N?

We hate to break it to you but you can’t remove this tag from your Cat N car insurance label. So if you are one meditating on how to remove Cat N from Car– don’t. Because you can’t. 

We are sorry to serve you the bitter truth when you came to this article looking for an answer. But whatever category you get, you will have to live with that forever. You can spend fortunes on a vehicle to repair it to its shiny brand new state and still have that Cat N stuck on it for a lifetime. 

Trying to hide or remove the Cat N sign is illegal. Trying to sell my Cat N car is even more so.

What happens after the Insurance Company Revokes Your Car:

If your car suffered some battery and repairing it is a waste of money, according to the insurance company, they will take hold of it. However, you will be compensated substantially for the capture. 

What happens to your car after they take it is either it gets sold off or scrapped. If you want your vehicle back, you will have to repurchase it. We hope you have enough money to pay for the repairs. Otherwise, they won’t return it. However, this only applies to Cat S and N as they are the only types healthy enough for repairing.

What You Can Do:

You can disagree with your insurer’s valuation of your car with the help of evidence that proves your car’s worth is better than what they say it is. To do that, you might need to 

  • Check the price of other preowned cars, especially those with your model and the same age.
  • Check these cars from other legal, verified, and well-reputed companies.
  • Make an observational report with your newly-gained data. Try hiring an engineer to solidify your claim on your vehicle. 
  • And obviously, don’t forget to keep the receipts from the previous alterations you have made. 

Does a Cat N Car Need a New MOT?

No. As per the DVLA, a MOT is not mandatory for your car to start revving again, as Cat N cars are often driveable and not damaged enough. As long as the car’s repair cost doesn’t topple over the buying value of the car, you can deem it usable again. However, you will still get the Cat N label pinned on your car, even if it’s really old with a small dent or scratch. 

Getting an MOT in these conditions would be folly. The MOT test and documents can make your car harder to get by. But there is no harm done by undergoing an examination. In fact, it’s more beneficial. Sometimes your intuition can take a toll on you as you may believe it has gone through more than a few scratches and dents. 

But don’t give in to your fears unless your car acts up in terms of an electrical or mechanical failure. And when your vehicle does face it, you are still not liable to go through a full MOT. You can just take it to a mechanic and get it inspected. 

Should you Repair a Cat N Car?

Let us say you decide to buy a category N car through an insurance agent or auction, but can you repair a cat N car? According to the car laws in the UK, it is okay to drive a Cat N Car after you repair it. 

Is A Cat N Car Worth Repairing?

It takes a knowledgeable owner to understand and identify the problems with their car. You can find a lot of Cat N cars for sale. Scrapping car would be more beneficial for someone who doesn’t know much because repairing is too expensive and your car would not be much cheaper.

Can you get Cat N Insurance?

Yes, you can. While there is no way to know how to remove Cat N from Car, we can set up our car for insurance. But insuring a Cat N car is an expensive process. The premiums are of a higher notch with Cat N cars. But why? Does Cat N affect insurance rates?

Yes, because written-off cars have less likelihood of surviving. So it’s a risk, more or less. Thus, many insurance companies may refuse to insure you. You may browse several insurance companies to find the best rates for category N insurance.


We might never know how to remove Cat N from Car, as it is practically impossible. The label is permanent on your car, even if it gets back on the road revving and raging. And repairing is too expensive to invest in an old car, anyway. The best thing you could do, in our expert opinion, is scrap. 

That brings us to Car Scrap Fast, one of the most reputed vehicle scrapping firms in the UK. This is where you will get the most value for your damaged car that no one wants. You don’t need to hold on to this burden. Scrap your salvage category N car and save up for a new one.

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